Primary Development Class Goes To BSI Sekolah Mutiara Harapan Islamic School, salah satu sekolah Islam di Bintaro yang berkomitmen pada pendidikan bertaraf internasional, baru-baru ini melaksanakan kunjungan edukatif ke Bank BSI. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan siswa pemahaman yang mendalam tentang cara kerja bank serta 
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Celebrating Touching Testimonials From Preschool Charity Bazaar Activities Sekolah Mutiara Harapan baru-baru ini menggelar Preschool Charity Bazaar, meninggalkan kesan mendalam baik pada peserta maupun penonton. Acara ini tidak hanya mencerminkan komitmen sekolah terhadap pendidikan holistik tetapi juga menegaskan posisinya sebagai sekolah Islam bertaraf Internasional yang 
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Memperkuat Identitas dan Pendidikan Berkualitas: Primary Flag Ceremony di Mutiara Harapan Islamic School Mutiara Harapan Islamic School (MHIS) terus mengukuhkan reputasinya sebagai Sekolah Internasional Terbaik dengan melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan yang memperkuat identitas nasional dan karakter unggul. Salah satu acara yang menjadi ciri khas dalam 
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Penguatan Kolaborasi : SECONDARY MAKERSPACE with Parents di Sekolah Mutiara Harapan Sekolah Mutiara Harapan, sebagai Sekolah Islam Terbaik di Bintaro, terus menghadirkan inovasi yang melibatkan orang tua dalam proses pendidikan anak-anak mereka. Salah satu upaya terbaru adalah implementasi Secondary Makerspace with Parents, sebuah inisiatif yang 
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Playgroup Fire Station Sekolah Mutiara Harapan: Mewujudkan Pendidikan Berkualitas di Bintaro Pada tanggal 19 Januari 2024, Sekolah Mutiara Harapan kembali menggelar acara istimewa untuk Playgroup mereka dengan tema “Fire Station”. Acara ini merupakan bagian dari upaya sekolah dalam memberikan pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan dan berkualitas 
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Global Language Adventures: Travel The World Through Language! Mutiara Harapan Islamic School (MHIS) memiliki beberapa kegiatan tahunan yang meriah, salah satunya adalah Language Fair di mana seluruh siswa-siswi Secondary (SMP dan SMA) MHIS mempresentasikan hasil Project Based Learning dan Reading Diploma mereka kepada para guru 
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On May 3, 2019, our Preschool team went to Faunaland, Ancol for their field trip. As a form of active learning, our students learnt about animals while observing directly. They played with many kinds of animals there. This activity aims to introduce children to animals 
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April 16th was water day for our Preschool students. All activities on that day were related to water. Started with washing their own slippers and also the bikes, racing to collect as much water as possible, and last but not least: playing water gun! All 
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As a form of changing the atmosphere in learning, on April 11th, our Preschool students did camping at school grounds. Playing bubble, hula hoop, eating together, and storytelling was a series of activities on that day. Here’s the documentation of our Preschool students experienced the 
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These are a sneak peek of our Secondary students Leadership Camp at Zidane Cottage. In this camp, students focused on team building activities, which consist of making stretchers, escaping in nets, collaborating to collect as much flour as possible and many more. They also had 
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Here is some documentation from our grade 4 and 5 students during their Scout Camp last week, which on March 28th and 29th. For the past two days, they did so many activities, such as setting up their own tents, uniform neat competition, fun games, 
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Our Upper Primary students had a Quiz Bee competition as part of their Math Fair. The competition was composed into three rounds: Basic, Medium, and Advance. Each round had corresponding points: 2 points for the basic round, 3 for the medium, and 5 for the 
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Math Fair: PI Has Been Waiting for a Long Time for this Moment The event which started at 8 o’clock lasted approximately 4 hours and ran intensely. They started their day with Pi-reciting competition. Each class representatives has prepared themselves to win the memorizing competition 
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Primary Math Fair: Get Indulged in the World of Numbers. . Fresh air and changes in scenery can be exciting for students when it comes to playing and practicing mathematical concepts. So our Primary students celebrated Math Fair with the Obstacle Race (for grade 2 
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Our 4th grader performed an assembly in the form of a Cabaret Show: How to Tell the Time on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, as part of Math Fair 2019. . The show started with the situation in daily life related to time. The story was 
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