“The best institution of Islamic education in a global era”


  1. To develop students who will be able to stand up and get acknowledgment at a global stage while retaining their Islamic and national identity
  2. To create a safe environment for students to grow and learn by building a caring and compassionate community
  3. To be an institution that contributes to the betterment of the neighborhood, the society, the nation and the world at large
  4. To be the center of excellence in education with a national and an international profile

Our school is committed to a Learner Profile with 7 attributes that best represent our Values in the Mutiara Harapan Islamic School.

We believe these attributes can help individuals and groups become beneficial Moslem of local, national and global communities

We take pride in our traditions and apply local wisdom whenever relevant. Our students are open-minded, confident, and equipped with global skills. As one cohesive team, our school actively engages with the surrounding community, providing a friendly and supportive environment for students to acquire the necessary skills for their future endeavors. Our five goals on Mutiara Harapan Islamic School are:

  1. Believe and obey to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala
  2. Capable to lead
  3. Capable to convey the ideas
  4. Capable of using information technology
  5. Capable to communicate both nationally and internationally

Based on the five goals, our school is committed to a Learner Profile with 7 attributes that best represent our Values in the Mutiara Harapan Islamic School

Believe and Obey to Allah SWT – Be Trustworthy and speak the truth. Be honest to others and primarily honest to Allah SWT. Change attitude and actions depending on company and circumstances–but with a sound reason, and in a “good” way. Uphold proper manners (adab) that are appropriate to the situation is from being true.

Believe and Obey to Allah SWT – Be Discipline because it is at the heart of any successful person. Be challenged with the nowadays situation that requires good routines and well-planned life.

Believe and Obey to Allah SWT – Be Courteous by showing caring, empathy, respect and accepting others who are different in their race, culture and even beliefs. Care, accept and play with friends, show tolerance and realize that they want to be respected, have their ideas heard, and receive fair treatment from them just as they wanted the same. 

Capable to lead – Be Responsible for your own future by taking ownership of your own learning. Work well independently but also with others. Understand that actions have impacts on others and on the environment. Appreciate the importance of culture, context, and community. 

Capable to convey the ideas – Be Resilient to achieve targets that seem at first impossible to achieve and insist on completing them with pride in the outcome. Be able to communicate and defend views and opinions as well as respect those of others. In case of difficulties or opposition use advocacy (tabligh) to convey the ideas to concrete.

Capable in using information and technology – Be Inquired. Stay curious to learn new skills and are receptive to new ideas with new technology. Be a lifelong learner that embody a spirit of inquiry and have the willingness to read deeper situation (iqra).

Capable to communicate both nationally and internationally – Be Confident in working with information and ideas – your own and those of others. Express confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. Be confident and secure in the knowledge, unwilling to take things for granted and ready to take intellectual risks. Be keen to explore and evaluate ideas and arguments in a structured, critical and analytical way.

Our Core Principles

In order to be able to keep our value promises, we follow 5 principles:

We want our children to learn how to be believers in, and obedient to Allah SWT. Nurturing children with values of Quran and Hadith, not only as a concept but also application in daily and real life.

We aim to prepare our children to be ready for the unknown future where they can cope with globalization & international competition at their time

We believe that learning by doing makes the children as active actors. They should learn to set goals and to solve problems both independently and together with others.

Children develop their thinking and learning through meaningful experiences. A room must be left for experiencing wonder and joy of learning.

Language, physical elements and the use of different senses are essential for higher order thinking and learning skills.