Students Award at our Graduation Day

At our graduation, we have an announcement of Students Awards, here is the list of our outstanding students:


  1. Best Academic Achiever: Arisa Ardyana Arman
  2. Best in BTQ: Amanda Kirana
  3. Best Citizenship: Davia Nur Az Zahra Hafshah
  4. The Most Talented: Anaya Uliratu Anargya Kesuma


  1. Best Academic Achiever: Naufal Aditya Reswan
  2. Best in BTQ: Naufal Aditya Reswan
  3. Best Citizenship: Naufal Aditya Reswan (Lower Secondary) & M. Sheehan Dwiammaradha (Upper Secondary)
  4. The Most Talented: Rania Rusydina Muliarto
  5. Checkpoint top achiever: Rania Rusydina Muliarto, Naufal Aditya Reswan

Development Class

  1. The Most Talented: Ikhsan Rizky Laksana


Congratulations for outstanding achievement, Students!

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